Homers Leadership Podcast

16. How To Foster A Healthy Community Culture



Big thought:  Community culture is present within every formation of people and it can either make or break any organization, church, workplace or family. Which is why it is so important to know how to foster healthiness, as well as, how to throw out toxicity.  In today’s episode, I’m going to give 5 healthy components for a healthy community culture, and then I’m going to show you how to handle potentially harmful traits and people as a leader. 5 Healthy Traits: Freedom Inspiration Friendship  Confidence Authenticity How To Handle Toxicity: Always check yourself first. Take divisiveness and gossip seriously. Protect your people by not being passive. Take away: Do a community inventory by rating your culture on a scale of 1-10 for each of the five traits discussed in today’s episode. Ask your team, or those close to you in your organization, to do the same thing as Take away #1 and then compare the results together in order to form an action plan of improvement. Identify potentiall