Folk Roots Radio... With Jan Hall

Folk Roots Radio Interview – Lynn Harrison Chats About Her New Album Treasure



Toronto singer-songwriter Lynn Harrison has just released a wonderful new album "Treasure", a recording that Lynn describes as 'uplifting songs for complicated times'. Twelve songs that share an inspirational message of love, hope and justice; and a clear reminder about what is really important in life. The follow up to another beautiful recording, "Something More", which became one of Our Favourite Albums of 2020, "Treasure" was again produced by Douglas September. Lynn Harrison is also an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and has been serving at First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto since 2016. However, she will be leaving that post in October 2023 to allow her to share her wisdom and musical gift throughout the Unitarian Universalist network in Southern Ontario while also giving her more time to focus on her music career. To learn more about this wonderful goose-bump inducing project, we're pleased to welcome Lynn Harrison back to Folk Roots Radio. For more information, visit Lynn Harrison online