Airing Pain

96: The British Pain Society (BPS) at 50



This programme was funded by an educational grant from Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd.  In 2017, the British Pain Society celebrated its fiftieth year as one of the foremost organisations for furthering the understanding of pain, and is now the oldest and largest multidisciplinary pain-focused organisation in the UK.  Founded as The Pain Group in 1967, its membership was limited purely to anaesthetists working in pain clinics. In 1979, the organisation registered as a charity, changing its name to the Intractable Pain Society of Great Britain and Ireland.  Over the years, the organisation became increasingly multidisciplinary and, in 1988, changed its name to The Pain Society to reflect this shift. The society’s membership and activities continued to grow, and in 2004 the Pain Society transferred all its assets to an organisation with charitable status and became The British Pain Society. As the largest professional organisation in the field of pain, the BPS continues to strive to provide an evidence-b