The Dating Den

Why Your Cravings For a High May Be Undermining Your Chance At Happiness with Jourdan Travers



Marni welcome Jourdan Travers, licensed clinical social worker and specialist in treating anxiety, mood, substance abuse, and personality disorders to the Life Check Yourself studio, where they look into where our feelings of unworthiness stem from; what we’re running away from; and how we can start fixing those detrimental patterns that we’ve carried with us throughout our lives. When it comes to assessing our patterns, we need to first notice them. Once we have, we can begin to understand them while also accepting certain realities. That is when we begin to transform. A crucial part of healing and moving forward is acceptance. Looking into that – without invalidating your own emotions – will help bring clarity to other areas in your life. The duo discusses the notion of change, and the instinctive human reaction to avoid it. However, in avoiding it, we end up creating more discomfort.    Takeaways from this episode:  - How to manage your emotions  - When do you feel like you’re not enough?  - How to recogni