Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

$5 million – the Science of Success, with John Mitchell - Think It, Be It



Think It, Be It Founder, John Mitchell, joins Karen Rands on The Compassionate Capitalist Show to share the Science of Success.  Feeling stuck, John used tried and true, but often overlooked, methods to figure out his personal breakthrough to go from earning a few hundred thousand a year to growing his own business to $5M in Revenue, and a big windfall when he sold it at a $25M valuation. John discovered the disconnect between his efforts and the results that had been holding him back - the beliefs locked into his unconscious mind.   John shares with Karen how he used science to amplify his (and our) innate ability to succeed when we apply science to align our conscious goals and objectives with the 'auto-pilot' manifestations of desires and action by our sub-conscious mind.   John Mitchell's 12 min a day program takes the principals of the famed Think & Grow Rich book by Napoleon Hill, and puts them into an actionable and relevant framework to chart your way to your ideal life of health, happiness and pr