Airing Pain

131: Face Pain, Treatment & Management



What causes different types of face pain and what treatment is available? In this episode of Airing Pain we cover facial pain in its many forms, what treatments are available and how to cope better with your pain. Funded by The Hospital Saturday Fund. In collaboration with UCLH Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals. The way our face feels and how we move it is a massive part of our identity. Feeling pain in the face, or not being able to use your face the way you want to, is not only a physical burden on the person suffering, but a heavy psychological load to cope with as well. Issues covered in this programme include: facial pain, unnecessary dental treatments, tooth ache, face and identity, management techniques, trigeminal neuralgia, neuropathic pain, carbamazepine, neurosurgery, pain management programmes, psychology and pain, temporomandibular disorder, burning mouth syndrome, persistent idiopathic facial pain, central sensitisation syndrome, physiotherapy, acceptance & commi