Airing Pain

129: Shingles & Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)



Determining what Shingles really is and why vaccine uptake is so low? This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by a grant from The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust and The Stafford Trust What exactly is Shingles? We often hear it thrown into conversation alongside a virus many of us have already had: Chickenpox. So how are the two linked? Why is one more associated with young people and the other with older people? The answer is they are both infections caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The vast majority of us had the Chickenpox virus when we were children, with many parents even intentionally exposing their children to the virus. Shingles, on the other hand, occurs after someone has already had Chickenpox when the virus (which remains in the body) is reactivated. One of the main worries people have about having Shingles is the potential to develop Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN). This is defined as persistent pain 3 months after the initial rash developed. Unfortunately PHN is a chronic condit