Out There




My buddy David Twichell wanted to interview me for his show, We Are Not Alone.  I asked if I could run the audio of the interview on my podcast as well, David agreed.  Dave wanted to talk to me about the plane incident I saw in the sky back in May of 2022.  After doing this interview I'm almost certain I was suspended for a moment in time in order to see that whole plane so clearly.  I drive by everyday and even if I slow down to about 45 mph, I still don't think I could have seen the whole plane as clearly as I did.  David brought up a good point about me not hearing the jet engines which should have been loud considering how close the plane was.  I estimate maybe less than a quarter mile from me and less than 200 feet in the sky, maybe even 150 feet.  Hard to judge altitude.  I just know when I first saw it over the trees I thought it was going to clip them.  It took me roughly 13 seconds to get to the opening where I saw it clearly.  I did the math.  If I was driving west at 60 mph, I'm traveling about a q