Out There




Do you ever feel helpless by what's going on in the world?  Have you lost a little hope?  This show is about hope, hope for a brighter future and hope for all.  For years chanellers  have been speaking about a Galactic Federation and how they are here to assist us now as we go through these great changes.  How can you even know any of that's true?  I happened to catch a show called UFO Witness and some of the witnesses on the show talked about the Galactic Federation and how they were here at this time to help us.  These witnesses claimed to have been in direct contact with certain star races.  The TV show chose to put a negative spin on this, saying they may be misleading us and wanting to invade.  I would think they could easily invade if they wanted to.  So if this contact is real then perhaps it supports what some channels/psychics have been saying for a while now.  And perhaps, like some feel, there is an invisible war going on over the consciousness of the planet and the souls who reside here.  This inv