Radioactive Metal Podcast

Episode 741: Top 5 On The Six Strings



Guitar extraordinaire Nuno Bettancourt recently made headlines. He simply shared that none other than Prince himself once called him one of the Top 3 GOATs to ever bend the six strings. So we thought we'd one up His Highness and take a cue from Jon Kuzak from the awesome "High Fidelity" flick and share our Top 5 picks in both Metal and Rock categories. An interesting chat that you'd be surprised by some of our choices. In our "News, Views, and Tunes", we discuss this weekend's Comic Book Day and have an impromptu talk about the Friday The 13th franchise. Musically, we crank some wicked tunes from Knoll, Wytch Hazel, Solanum, Gel and Necrotic Ritual. Horns Up and Stay Healthy! This Episode is sponsored by Trve Kvlt Coffee. Summon the coffee demons to possess yourself a cup today! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram