Pacey Performance Podcast

Improving change of direction ability, deceleration drills and coaching “transitional movements” with Hailu Theodros



This week on the Pacey Performance Podcast is Athletic Development Coach at Speedworks, Hailu Theodros. Hailu spoke recently at the Sportsmith speed conference about gamespeed and his talk was incredible so to get him on the podcast was a complete no brainer. In the first half of our chat we discuss deceleration and its part in improving change of direction ability. Hailu spends a lot of time explain "sitting" versus "folding" when it comes to the final few steps of a deceleration and reacceleration. He describes why sitting is so important and how we can coach our athletes into that position using a number of drills and various different cues. In the second half of the episode, Hailu focuses on transitional movements, what they are, why they are so important and how we can create drills to develop them. Transitional movements are those that link other more talked about movements like deceleration, reacceleration, cutting etc. He uses the example of a central defender in football (soccer) and their pursuit of