Podcast Talent Coach

Monetize Your Message – PTC 440



HOW TO MONETIZE YOUR MESSAGE We know who we help and what we help them do. But, have you ever considered how you monetize your message? You might say, "Yeah, Erik. I'm a coach." Or you might say, "I help people find a new career or launch a business." Those concepts are "what" you do, and not necessarily "how" you do it. Your "how" might include one-on-one coaching for six months at a time. You might offer a six-week course that helps clients achieve success. Those ideas would be your how. It is the vehicle that you actually sell. There are a variety of ways to monetize your message. MONETIZE YOUR PODCAST Your podcast gives you a great opportunity to attract your ideal clients. You can interview potential clients and open the door to that relationship. Your podcast content could demonstrate how you help people. Then, you could invite them to work with you. I have clients that use their podcast to sell affiliate products and services. You can't monetize your podcast until you figure out what you're selling. Ho