Mpr News With Kerri Miller

'Symphony of Secrets' is an ode to music stolen and composers erased



In his new novel, “Symphony of Secrets,” Brendan Slocumb once again tucks a mystery inside a musical thriller. But underscoring the plot are some big questions about our culture. Whose music gets heard and honored? Who gets to claim the ownership and rewards of a song? And who gets to tell the story of how that music came to be? Slocumb’s protagonist is Bern Hendricks, a musicologist thrilled to be given the chance to authenticate a just discovered opera, attributed to his musical hero, Frederick Delaney. But as he investigates the long missing masterpiece, Hendricks uncovers the true source of Delaney’s genius — a neurodivergent Black woman named Josephine Reed, who was never credited for her work. Will he be able to right history’s wrongs? Or will the powerful musical establishment erase Reed’s genius a second time? Slocumb’s debut novel, “The Violin Conspiracy,” was a book club favorite. This week, Slocumb returned to Big Books and Bold Ideas to talk with MPR News host Kerri Miller about the messy ways m