Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

Talk Therapy: Worship Restored



This week our theme is Worship Restored from chapter 10 of my book, Image Restored. This chapter is about idols, but I don’t think God wants to restore our idols. In fact, He wants to demolish them so worship can be restored. We are designed to worship, the question is to what or who are we worshipping? God detests anything that comes between Him and us. The temple falls when idols enter because we turn our hearts away from the Lord and worship a god that can never meet our deepest needs. Here’s the good news: God knew He would battle against idols to keep our hearts turned toward Him. This is just one more reason He sent Jesus to die for our sins. The answer to overcoming idols is letting Jesus access every area of our hearts. DON’T LET SHAME AND SECRETS KEEP YOU FROM RETURNING TO HIM TO REPENT OF YOUR SIN. Therapist Thoughts: Shame is often associated with “should” statements. This is one type of distorted thinking that affects our decisions. These “shoulds” can often lead us to the land of neglect or obses