Grace Church

Praying Through Pain | Raw Prayers | Week 2



Praying Through PAIN 5/14/2023 | Pastor Derek | Psalm 22  Big Idea – Bringing your pain to God will help you to heal.   Unhealthy Ways to deal with Your Pain.   stuff it.   ignore it.  distract yourself.   isolate.  wait it out.  fake it.    The tension: God seems absent in this moment – AND - I still believe in God in this moment.   How to Pray through Pain    Don’t just ask God for things, share your heart with him. (22:1-3, 9-10)  Use pain to approach God with your protests (22:4-17)   Let pain lead you to corporate worship (22:22-26)  Remember your story is part of God’s bigger story of ultimate rule (22: 27-31)    Nest Step:   Praying the Psalm: Finish these statements…   God, I am disappointed that…  This pain has made me feel like…  But, God I do trust that…