Yes Music Podcast

Release, Release Day! (Yes album and my book) with Simon Barrow – 582



Produced by Joseph Cottrell, Ken Fuller, Wayne Hall and Jeffrey Crecelius A momentous week in a number of ways. There have been so many positive reactions to the new Yes album Mirror to the Stars and it’s even doing really well in the charts. You’ll know from our reviews that Mark and I are very impressed with the record and we invited Simon Barrow to discuss it with us - listen out for that in a few minutes’ time. We also took the opportunity to share some thoughts about the other release sharing today’s date, Yes The Tormato Story by me. Despite the paper book being literally in my hands, the internet marketplaces seem to take some time to catch up. So you might find that the book doesn’t turn up in your local internet supplier immediately. However, if you have pre-ordered via the fabulous Burning Shed, I know they have boxes of books in their warehouse and will be sending them out without delay. So it won’t be long now, I hope. Let us know what you think of the album and the book once you receive