Airing Pain

112: Measuring Pain, Reading the Brain



This edition is funded by the Plum Foundation. In this edition of Airing Pain, returning contributor Mark Johnson, Director of the Centre for Pain Research at Leeds Beckett University, speaks to Paul about the experimental methods used in their lab to measure how pain is experienced. Professor Johnson emphasises the difficulty in communicating one’s pain, as it is entirely context driven and based on the experiences of the patient. Paul then heads to Manchester University to speak to Professor of Neuro-Rheumatology Anthony Jones. Paul learns about the different techniques used to measure the alpha waves produced by the brain when pain occurs, how the anticipation of pain is as important as pain itself, and the difficulties that scientists encounter when trying to emulate these signals. We also hear about the brain’s ‘plasticity’; its ability to rewire connection based on sensory experience. Anthony’s research team are developing a ‘smart neuro-therapies’ platform (which you can get involved in, see