Pacey Performance Podcast

Understanding the impact of athlete footwear selection on performance and injury risk with Athol Thomson



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Podiatrist & Research Scientist at Aspetar, Athol Thomson. Athol is on the podcast to speak about the impact of athlete footwear on performance and injury risk but also about playing surface and how that affects injury risk. But not only that, he is hear to give recommendations for what practitioners can do to reduce these risks. In the first half of the episode Athol discusses what impact footwear can have on injuries from a global perspective. He then dives into the detail when it comes to footwear that is made for soft ground, hard ground and artificial ground. This leads to him discussing rotational forces and why its important to consider these forces when advising on footwear. In the second half of the episode he discusses if we can mitigate some of the unresearched (but well discussed) issues when transitioning between different surfaces. And can practitioners get a better, more detailed idea about the playing surface prior to his