Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation #326: The end of an epoch – what does it mean?



Peter has a short dream of a tree falling. This is such an important dream. Mark, on the other side of the planet, dreams of helping a dragon with armor. Both these dreams are about moving into the final epoch. Stay tuned to find out what's going on.   You can now watch our interactive Aisling Dream Clinic at  If you want your dream analyzed on our show, you can submit it at   And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.   Dream: Damage from tree falling This dream marks the end of an epoch. Yikes! No going back now.   Dream: Healing Fairies Molly has helpers from another dimension that assist with her remote healing.   Dream: Dragon Armor Mark’s is told he is here to protect light workers. Amazingly, this is not the first time he’s been told this.   Show Archives:   Courses: