Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How to Talk to Sellers of Probate Property Like a Pro



Real estate investors often avoid the probate niche because they feel like they don’t know how to talk to sellers of probate property. I want to put that fear to rest today by giving you 5 tips to make this a painless conversation every time. Remember that these are just regular people like you and me. They have suffered a loss, but now they are tasked with taking care of “the business of settling the estate.” They are anxious to sell the property in the estate so that they can move on with their lives.   [00:01 - 04:31] Opening Segment • Investors often avoid the probate niche due to the lack of knowledge on how to talk to sellers Five tips to make the conversation painless • Remember that these are regular people who have suffered a loss and need help navigating the process. • Find out who you're talking to - is it the personal representative or a family member?   [04:32 - 08:56] 5 Tips to Make Talking to Probate Sellers Painless • Look for visual clues when you get to the property Ask questions related to