

Creating A Worthwhile Life   Take away: The more you give away, the more you feel like your life is abundant Money Learnings: School did not teach much about money. He learned a lot from his CEO father. Bio: Michael Westover is a writer, speaker, health care industry executive and graduate from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Westover’s blog, Echoes of Meaning, is a collection of more than 30 articles about human connection, including articles on family, business, religion, and self-improvement. Many of his pieces attempt to decodify ancient truths from new angles to make them applicable to modern life. What he’s uncovered has made his life more meaningful, and he hopes it does the same for his readers. Learn more at   Highlights from this episode:   Decide what you want out of life and ask yourself how to achieve it Michael discusses the difference between purpose and meaning in life What inspired Michael to write the book “A Worthwhile Life”? How do we