Podcast Talent Coach

Tips About Editing A Podcast – PTC443



Do you feel like you're always editing a podcast? You're an expert in your niche. You don't need to spend all of your time editing. Live in your zone of genius. On this episode, I want to give you some tips about editing a podcast. There are five steps to producing a podcast each week. Those steps are plan, record, edit, publish and promote. You need to do these steps for every episode. But, you don't need to do these steps every week. What you need is a system. Let's see how you can save time in each of those areas to make your system more efficient and give you more time to work with your clients. GET HELP First, let me show you an option. You can always get someone to do all of the dirty work for you. How much time do you spend each week creating your podcast? If you could cut your podcast production time in half or more, how could you better spend the time you save? You could spend time finding clients. Use the time to serve your clients better. Spend time creating more digital products to sell. Double do