The Kyle Thiermann Show

#326 Toolkit For Depression - Sara Russell



Whew, this was an intense one. But good. And helpful, I hope. In this episode, Sara Russell (@Betheradicalway) and I explore the underworld of depression, a mental state that is all too often felt but rarely explored openly. Sara was just the one I wanted to have on to cover this material. She held the weight of it all with skill and grace. Sara is a longtime friend, a Skills For Change Coach, and Qi Gong instructor. She helps clients analyze behaviors, relationships, and systems to see where old habits that are no longer serving them. Check out Sara's work here. I genuinely hope this episode is helpful to all those who are struggling. However silently. KyleIMPORTANT NOTE: The practices we explore in this episode are not meant to be a substitute for clinical treatment. If you or someone you know is suicidal, call 988. If you dig this podcast, will you please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts? It takes less than 60 seconds and makes a difference when I drop to my knees and beg hard-to-get guests to come o