Homers Leadership Podcast

24. Why You Need Accountability



Big thought:   Accountability usually sounds restrictive to the person who is being accountable because can make you feel like you are putting yourself in a box or positioning yourself to having to ask permission. But that is not what we are talking about today. Choosing to find someone to be accountable to is choosing to ask someone to help you achieve greater results in your life and leadership. In today’s episode, I’m going to explain what healthy accountability should look like (and not look like) and then I’m going to unpack the two main reasons as to why you should seek out accountability. 1. What Accountability IS and ISN’T.  In order for accountability to really work, you have to actually talk to someone on a regular basis. You may even want to have different layers of accountability, each with a different person who helps you. For example: someone you check-in with daily via text; someone you check-in weekly with a 30 min phone call; someone you check-in monthly with an 1hr phone call; someone you