Money Matters With Wes Moss

How To Have Difficult, Yet Productive Conversations With Douglas Stone



In difficult conversations, do you notice you or your conversant trying to "win" the discussion instead of listening to each other's perspectives? Today on Retire Sooner, Wes Moss is joined by Douglas Stone, author, speaker, and lecturer on negotiation at Harvard Law School, to talk about navigating difficult conversations. Whether the subject of the conversation is financial, medical, or an interpersonal conflict, there are some discussions that can feel awkward, tense, or become argumentative. Stone explores some ways that can be effective to start such conversations, engage empathy around the emotions and identities tied into them, and reach a mutually understood outcome. Wes also brings up blind spots we can all have in the way we talk to others and what we can do about them. They also explain productive ways to receive feedback and wrap up the episode with how liberating it can be to accept your own limitations with other people. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit