Aisling Dream Interpretation

Overcome Fear through Profound Dream Insights



On today’s show, Kathy contacted us for help because of what she saw in her dreams. She shared 3 dreams and in one session we got it figured out. Janet is working on her healing journey. I grabbed 2 dreams that are vastly different but say the same thing. You'll enjoy this. You can now watch our monthly interactive Aisling Dream Clinic at   If you want your dream analyzed on our show, you can submit it at   And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.  Dream: Weird Gym Day Janet is working on embracing her masculine side. She’s not happy with who represents her masculine side in this dream though. Dream: Printed Toilet Paper Another dream from Janet. This analysis shows how symbolically not wanting to wipe your butt is the same as not wanting to hug your ex! Quite funny. Dream: Father and Son Football This dream shows healing is underway for working on issues with dad. D