Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

878 - 4 tips to beat procrastination



YouTube TikTok Reels Gregg's YouTube Procrastination is a universal struggle that can hinder our productivity and progress. It's a frustrating habit that affects many aspects of our lives, from work to personal goals. However, in the podcast "Tiny Leaps, Big Changes" hosted by Gregg Clunis, listeners are provided with valuable insights and strategies to combat procrastination and enhance their productivity. Understanding Procrastination: In this episode, Gregg Clunis delves into the concept of procrastination, emphasizing the frustration it brings. He explores common reasons why people procrastinate, including a lack of engagement, confidence, energy, and support. By understanding the root causes, listeners can gain valuable insights into their own procrastination patterns. Ways to Get Organized: To overcome procrastination, organization is key. Gregg introduces several practical techniques to help listeners get organized and stay focused. The Eisenhower Box is a powerful tool for priorit