Becoming A Bow Hunter

10 lessons I’ve learned from Bowhunting with Matthias Turner



Welcome to the second century of the podcast. This week Matty fills you in on some event successful hunts… Plus, The 10 lessons he’s learnt from bowhunting that translate into everyday life as well! The lessons are: Progress comes in small steps Slow is smooth smooth is fast The world doesn’t owe you anything  You have to develop your own moral and ethical compass There’s support in every community  The work starts where you think the journey ends  Learn from your mistakes or be ready to walk a long unsuccessful road.  The small things really matter matter.  Perfection is unattainable but Persistence does pay off. Learn to use your senses Find Becoming a Bowhunter: @becomingabowhunter.podcast @mattyafter Podcast sponsors: @dogandguncoffee Use checkout code BOWHUNTER for $10 off your next order ✌️