Charmed Life With Tricia Carr

323: Past Lives and Weight Loss with Amber Romaniuk, Emotional Eating, Digestive and Hormone Expert



Tricia Carr welcomes the incredible guest Amber Romaniuk to explore the connection between past lives and weight loss. Amber's own transformative journey from emotional eating, gaining and losing over 1,000 pounds, to reclaiming her health and helping others achieve body confidence sets the stage for a conversation filled with valuable insights and powerful healing. Prepare to be captivated as they explore the energetic and spiritual dimensions of weight loss, and discover how past lives can offer a path to ultimate well-being.Amber uncovers profound connections between her past lives and her struggles with food addiction, body image, and self-worth. As she shares memories of being a serving prisoner, living with restrictions, and experiencing leprosy, a mosaic of understanding begins to form, providing her with peace, compassion, and a deeper sense of purpose in her healing journey. The discussion beautifully highlights the interconnectedness of past and present, empowering listeners to embrace their ow