Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Is Social Media Marketing World the Best Social Media Conference? [Michael Stelzner Interview]



I am honored in this episode to interview the one and only Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, as he talks about the upcoming 2nd Social Media Marketing World in San Diego, California in late March, 2014. Learn what differentiates his social media conference from others.Key Highlights[00:29] Introduction of Podcast Guests, Mike Stelzner[01:13] Who is Mike and What Mike Does[02:15] Wat Made Mike Launch from Blog into Physical Social Media Marketing Summits[03:43] The Value of Attending Physical Social Media Conferences[05:07] How Mike Differentiated His Conference from Others[07:01] Mike's Little Secret[08:58] Improving from Last Conferences[10:34] New Speakers Coming In[12:26] Final Thoughts[12:44] Connect with MikeNotable QuotesWhen people ask me about the value of going to social media, conferences, physical ones, you do have the education, but then you do have the networking and you meet people that you may end up working together with, you may end up end up hiring, they may end up hir