Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Does your social media branding back up your digital content?



More companies are sharing more content in social media, but when a social media user has a conversation with your business, does your voice branding back up your content - and is it "human" enough to deepen online relationships?Key Highlights[00:52] The Notion of Having a Strong Corporate Brand[02:21] Different Forms of Content[03:30] You Need to Have A Conversation[03:52] What Should Your Blog Be[04:18] How You Engage with Your Audience Is Critical[04:46] Be Open to Anybody[05:19] The Dangerous Pitfall We Have[05:41] Back-Up Your Content With Human Side[06:49] The Best TestNotable QuotesAnd it's not just LinkedIn, but really the HR industry is talking about this notion of having a strong corporate brand, as an employer, which then will help you really recruit better talent potentially quicker. And at even a less expensive cost. But the notion of branding obviously, is popular, it's always been popular in marketing. And in social media, we hear a lot about it as well.Nevertheless is anoth