Power Station

Healthcare is only political when you talk to politicians



  Do you know the old idiom, the devil is in the details? In this episode, Natalie Davis, co-founder, and CEO of the nonprofit United States of Care, tells Power Station about the importance of treating every detail in the policy making process as an opportunity to produce the most impactful legislation possible. And she is admittedly obsessed with public policy implementation, creating a plan that delivers great outcomes in real time. It takes close collaboration with local policy makers, public agencies, and community based organizations that understand the needs of their regions and where the barriers might lie to producing a powerful implementation blueprint. Natalie and her team listen to what local communities want from their healthcare systems and United States of Care shapes its policy campaigns around those priorities. Right now, United States of Care is laser-focused on the legal decision from Braidwood vs. Becerra, which strips free health screenings and other preventive care from our doctor's visi