Soundproof Vancouver

T20 - Alexander Hamilton - Live @ Trancemission 20



Wow! Soundproof's 'Trancemission 20' was everything I hoped it would be, despite a few hours of rain on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Everyone really pulled together and kicked things up a notch for our 20th anniversary party! This is my set from 0100h on Friday night (Saturday morning), filled with a mix of the producers I'm enjoying at the moment. Really loving stuff from Gaston Zani right now, as well as Skober and Spektre, who are staples of mine. A few of the tracks are a bit moody, as I was trying to close down the Techno section of the night before the Psy-Trance kick off. It was tons of fun playing this set. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks to everyone who came out, braved the weather, and made T20 one of the best yet :)