Living Springs Q&a

Q&A #301- AER, God and rest, the death of the mainstream church, respectful disagreement, and more!



In episode #301, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following:Hi Pastors, twice today you mentioned the name of a podcast! I didn't quite catch the name of it! What was it, please? Thank you, Lorraine I feel very conflicted as a regular WM attender about the upcoming bonfire. Is it in poor taste to be hosting one when most of the province is on fire? I’m not trying to be negative and I’ve come to all the wm events for years now… but, I wonder if others have the same thoughts. The BEMA podcast seems to keep coming back to this idea that God is a god of rest, and that he focuses a lot on having His people rest in Him. I’m wondering what it means to you to rest (like a sabbath) but also what it means to you to rest in him.Do you think mainstream church is dying? And if so, is it because some churches can’t adapt to a more modern outlook or times? Or is this a post Covid symptom we should see change inAre people generally quicker to jump into categorizing people? Example: if you don’t agree with an ideology, you’