Voice Of Achievers

The Mindful Athlete with Mr. Rajat Sharma



Athletic performance is primarily seen as extensive physical training leaving little room for the importance of mental practices and techniques used by performers. Why and how should mindful techniques be practiced?Our guest today is Mr. Rajat Sharma from Chandigarh who began his career as a state level cricket player, got selected as a bowler for the Indian Premier League(Team Bangalore) and eventually became a mind trainer for athletes and students. He is the founder of Mindfuel, a centre in Chandigarh that helps athletes build mental appetite and attitude. With a vision to transform the youth by bringing back the ancient Indian practices, he developed and introduced self-mastering programs in schools which are a combination of yogic practices and selected psychological tools. In this episode he talks about:His personal journey from disappointments to triumph.How athletes can deal with negative emotions amidst a competitive ambiance in the field?3 simple mind exercises that may be practiced by anyone to dev