Jon Rognerud Podcast

EP 139 - YouTube Ads: What Questions You Must Ask Before Starting



LEARN MORE: Here are the top 10 questions to ask before launching any new ad campaigns on YouTube networks: 1. What are your primary goals for advertising on YouTube? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? 2. Who is your target audience? Can you provide details about their demographics, interests, and online behaviors? 3. What type of video content are you planning to create for your YouTube ads? Will you be producing educational, promotional, or testimonial videos? 4. Do you have a specific budget in mind for your YouTube advertising campaigns? How much are you willing to spend daily or monthly to achieve your goals? Make sure to outline your CPA/CPS goals (or CPL goals for lead generation). 5. What is your preferred ad format? Are you more interested in using skippable or non-skippable video ads, discovery ads, or bumper ads? If you don’t know – study your competition and see what they are using as a starter. 6. Are you planning to use any advanced