Jenell B Stewart Podcast

41: 31 Morning Mantras



We all know the detriments of putting ourselves down. When we tell ourselves we’re not good enough too many times, we truly begin to believe it, and for many people, mornings aren’t the easiest. The feeling of getting out of bed to exercise, go to work, or take on any other responsibility we feel obligated to do is tough. But that’s because we make it tough. We tell ourselves Mondays are the worst. We tell ourselves it’s too early to exercise. Thoughts begin to circulate in our heads regarding all the things we have to do, all the things we should be doing, and all the things we actually want to do but don’t feel like we deserve or have time for. This negativity only brings on stress.Mantras are words or phrases meant to be chanted either internally or out loud as a means of meditating. They originated about 3,000 years ago in India, at least to the Vedic tradition, in which they were used to influence and control the gods. Throughout history, they have continued to be used in various ways to promote transfor