Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

Carbon Capture and Other Climate Hardware Innovations Create a Giga-corn Opportunity



Carbon capture has emerged as a crucial climate change recovery strategy, given the catastrophic environmental changes occurring worldwide. The melting of Greenland and Arctic ice sheets, deforestation and the loss of rainforests like the Amazon, warming oceans, declining coral reefs and fish populations, and the significant decline in insect populations have highlighted the urgent need for action. As human carbon emissions have outpaced nature's ability to recover, there is a risk of crossing tipping points that could lead to severe and potentially catastrophic impacts.  To get to net zero by 2050, we will need to reduce the #carbon footprint in all industrial and commercial sectors. This means pretty much reinventing our entire economy. A #greeneconomy is the only way forward.  It is NOT enough to stop producing greenhouse gases and harmful carbon, we must reverse the damage as best we can with restorative innovative technology. In order to continue to thrive, we need to find ways to uncouple our growth fro