Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

The Real Reason You Can't Batch Your Podcast (and why it's costing you big time)



This might ruffle some feathers; okay, someone is going to hate this, but there’s a fairly simple reason why you can’t batch record your podcast. It’s not that it’s just not how your creativity works or an energy issue. It’s a planning problem.Today’s episode is inspired by a message sent to me by a Podcast Strategy Intensive client after working together, and then listing to episode 600 of this show, they sent me the following…“I've been podcasting for 15 years. I have heard people talk about the benefits of batching and I have never felt like I could do this. And I realized, listening to episode 600, why that is. It's not that I didn't have the time or the energy or the focus to produce more than one episode at a time. It was because I was coming up with my content plan one episode at a time. Now that I have a 90-day plan, suddenly batching--and all the benefits that attach to it--seems not only possible but logical and inevitable.”The problem is simple, you’re ONLY thinking about batch recor