Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

3 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Using Their Podcast to Generate Leads



There are three mistakes our team sees over and over again when business owners are looking to generate right-fit clients from their podcasts. These come up again and again, and they’re fixable. So let’s fix them!  In the last few weeks, I’ve been in the car a lot. I live in Orange County, California but often head up to LA for events or to meet up with friends, and for some reason, it’s been happening a lot these last few weeks. That means a lot of time in the car which obviously means a lot of podcast time. Instead of staying with my comfort shows and my old business favorites, I went to search and just organically started looking for shows that would probably be a fit to work with us. I wanted to see what was happening in the market. What are these hosts doing right now that works, and what are they doing that likely isn’t working? This episode is a look at what I discovered. In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, we’ll talk about the three mistakes we see service-based businesses make time and ag