Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Grow Your Business by Podcasting with Jessica Kupferman



Today I'm sitting down with the brains, voice, and personality behind Lady Business Radio, Jessica Kupferman. We're talking about the amazing power of podcasting. Jessica is offering some really great insights on everything from what's holding you back from podcasting to getting interviews and how WE do it! This is a can't miss episode if you're looking for new ways to rock your business, connect with your community, and position your brand in a new way.A bit about Jessica...Jessica Kupferman helps small business owners and solopreneurs find their voice, create juicy online products and services and design their business by their own rules. As a branding and business consultant, she's been featured on lkr.com, NPR, SuccessfulWomenTalk, SocialBuzzOnAir and YogipreneurTV. She's also been featured as a pop-culture commentator on TMZ Live! When she's not consulting business owners on creating a kick-ass digital presence, you can find her interviewing fascinating lady entrep