Jean Macdonald's Podcast

6 Areas That Holds Midlife Women Back



Welcome to "6 Areas That Hold Midlife Women Back" podcast, where we dive deep into the challenges and barriers that can hinder the growth and fulfilment of midlife women. Join us as we explore the crucial areas that often hold women back during this transformative phase of life.We'll navigate through six key areas that commonly impact midlife women, unravelling the complexities and providing insights to help overcome these obstacles. From self-doubt and limiting beliefs to career transitions, relationship dynamics, health and wellness, personal growth, and more, we'll address the topics that resonate with the experiences of midlife women.#MidlifeEmpowerment #BreakingBarriers #UnleashingPotentialCome and join the Midlife Butterfly Club for valuable videos, articles, and podcasts to inform, guide and inspire women in middle life. Explore our online magazine at no cost. Are you ready to unleash your full potential and overcome the obstacles that hold you back? Subscribe now and let's emb