Nicole Bremner

Changing direction and evolving in business with Terrible* co-founder and CEO, Tersha Willis #107



“You’ve got to accept that maybe the idea you had or the thing you’re working on isn’t going to be necessary or won’t survive this period of time.” My guest today is Tersha Willis a Goldsmith College graduate with a background in private equity, financial services and fashion. She is known for her progressive views on merchandise and is the co-founder and CEO of terrible*, a product management and technology company, which enables creators to source and sell products to their fans. terrible* was founded in 2016 as the result of years spent on the road and in music, merchandise, apparel and entertainment and aims to build and grow financial relationships between fans and artists that last a lifetime. The company works with over 400 creators, artists and record labels globally. Tersha has been on this podcast before but today is back to talk about how terrible* changed direction in light of the pandemic, to help artists who were losing thousands in revenue due to cancelled gigs and recordings, but also other cr