Grace Church

A Celebration of Singleness  | Building Thriving Families | Week 3



July 16, 2023 | Derek | 1 Corinthians 7   Family = a multi-generational team on mission.  Big Idea: Singleness is a gift from God – use it well.  3 Spiritual Pitfalls of Singleness   Sexual Temptation.    Loneliness.   Selfishness.  Why would God give you a desire that he doesn’t meet immediately?   To learn self-control.   To learn the sufficiency of God’s grace.   2 Spiritual Benefits of Singleness  Freedom from the obligation of family. (7:26-28; 32-34)   Freedom to serve God with undivided devotion. (7:32-35).    A quick word to the church    Beware of Family-olatry Receive more singles into your family   For more series resource visit