The Georgia Politics Podcast

Needs vs. Wants (Needs)



This week on The Georgia Politics Podcast we discuss Brian Kemp staying put, Mesha Mainor doing the opposite, and that the state of Georgia is flush with cash. Brian Kemp Shuts Door on National Office, For Now Governor Kemp fairly firmly shut the door on a Presidential bid this week, saying “It’s humbling that there are people out there that think I would make a good president, but I have got a great job that I am very happy in. We’ve got really an opportunity of a lifetime right now in the state of Georgia as we see an industrial revolution happening right before our eyes. So I am staying very focused on that. That’s what I promised people I would do when I got re-elected.” Mesha Mainor Switches Parties This past week, Democratic State Representative Mesha Mainor announced that she was leaving the Democratic Party and joining up with the Republicans. What did we make of the announcement? State Surplus The Kemp administration announced another state surplus that could amount to up to $5 billion. Over the last