Westminster Presbyterian Sumter

Resting to Listen to Jesus (Luke 10:38-42)



Join Pastor Stuart in part 2 of our new series, Rest in a Restless World. In our second lesson, we turn to the Gospel of Luke 10:38-42 as we learn about . . . "Resting to Listen to Jesus". In this lesson, we see: Jesus offers us rest from the many distractions that trouble and worry us. Being still to listen to Jesus is more important than anything else we can do. Connecting with Jesus is “the good portion” that will never be taken away from us. Therefore, we ought to spend time with Jesus. So, let’s resist what distracts us from Jesus and find rest and refreshment spending time with him. You can learn more about Westminster Presbyterian Church at https://www.westminsterpca.net. Find us on social media at @WPCSumter.