Jenell B Stewart Podcast

01: 4 Tips To Stay Movitated In Your Weightloss Journey



Anybody trying to lose weight goes through a similar journey.You start out on fire.You’re motivated to exercise and it’s easy to say ‘no thanks!’ to junk foods. Making healthy choices feels effortless.But then, you hit a rough patch. Unexpected challenges and unforeseen complications take you off track.Suddenly, everything you were doing right, has morphed into a hot, frustrating mess.Your motivation is gone. Exercise seems inconvenient and you’re craving all of those foods you’ve left behind.I’m very happy to bring my readers and viewers–YOU–a new component where you can engage with me, a podcast. In my first podcast I discuss my struggles with weightloss motivation and I give you 4 tips that if you begin implementing them today and re implement them any time you begin to fall off track you will be back in the game strong.Podcast Notes: this podcast? Please rate this episode 5 Stars! Sign up for my newsletter ( and subscribe to my podcast to get