Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Rediscovering the Value of Social Media for Business - in South Africa - Part 1



Neal is back! You’ve heard him talk about keeping it real in your social and your content, and he wants to keep it real. Neal’s goal is always to do this podcast regularly, but everyone’s busy! Since the last podcast, he’s traveled a lot, successfully launched the second Social Tools Summit in San Francisco in October, and spoken at a conference in South Africa. This episode is part one of a radio interview he did while he was there, and focuses on the value of social media and taking a step back and looking at the big picture.Key Highlights[04:44] Introduction[05:26] Why Business To Be Made From Going Social[06:27] How I Help Businesses[07:18] How Small Businesses Can Use Social To Grow Their Businesses[08:07] The Essence of Social Media[08:32] How to Start Using Social Media for Business[10:39] Social Media As A New Channel[12:38] How To Balance Social Media With Voice of the Company[13:17] The Advent of Employee Advocacy[14:06] Tomorrow's Talk[15:27] How Much Time Should You Allocate To Social Media?[