Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

5 Components of a BAD Social Media Marketing Strategy



What makes a BAD social media strategy? Here I outline 5 key components that you should avoid in planning your own social media marketing strategy. Key Highlights[01:04] Is There A Way to Write A Social Media Strategy?[01:53] 5 Ways of Looking A Good or Bad Strategy[02:24] Why Having An Objective Is Important[03:30] Campaign-Based Approach[04:47] Social Media As A Two-Way Communication Channel[06:20] Wrong Choice of Channel[07:16] The ROINotable QuotesAnd when I talk about an objective, obviously, strategy or planning starts with an objective, the objective should be a business objective. Social media does not exist in a silo.Social media must map into everything else you do as a business that really starts with your objective in your social media strategy.A good social media strategy will have an absolutely clearly defined objective, or group of objectives. And as social media permeates every single department in a company or large enterprise, I expect that the use of social media is going to have multiple o