Money Matters With Wes Moss

How To Find and Achieve What You Want With Jennice Vilhauer



For a lot of people, what they want and what they expect can be two very different things. This may include those in their 30s and 40s who want to be able to retire but don't expect they'll be able to.   Dr. Jennice Vilhauer is a psychologist, author, and the developer of Future Directed Therapy. On today's Retire Sooner, she lends her expertise around activating a future-connected mindset to explain ways people can help themselves work toward what they want in life. Wes and Dr. Vilhauer go over depression's effect on thinking about the future, exercises in flipping negative thinking to positive, and the importance of mindfulness. Wes says that more than anyone he's ever met, Dr. Vilhauer has sold him on mindful meditation and discusses her best-selling book, "Think Forward to Thrive: How to Use the Mind's Power of Anticipation to Transcend Your Past and Transform Your Life." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit